Hello girls! Today we have a new recipe for you, this time from the adorable Barbie, who as you already know, is a renowned talented chef. Barbie's passion is cooking, and she cooks as much as she can, always trying new recipes and inventing new ones. She has a lot of imagination so everything comes naturally to her. Today, you will have the possibility to cook with Barbie and learn some cooking tips and tricks from her. I'm sure it will be very useful for you and also fun. We have all of the ingredients prepared: ginger nut biscuits, jelly, water, cheese cream, sugar, yogurt and the cooking tools: large bowls, pans, electric mixer and the oven. All you have to do now is follow the hints and go through all the cooking steps to prepare a delicious jelly swirl cheesecake. The final result will be amazingly tasty and I'm sure you will be very satisfied with your work. So let's start! Have a blast, girls playing this few new cooking game called Barbie Jelly Swirl Cheesecake Slice!
Use mouse to play this game.