Welcome to the biggest and most important fashion TV contest in the world, called 'TV's Fashion Challenge Milan'! There is no girl in the world who wouldn't like to participate in this competition, because the winning prize is a scholarship at a famous design school! This year, the contest is going to take place in the world's capital of fashion Milan!!! Can you believe it? This could be the greatest opportunity of your life! Even if you don't win, at least you have the chance to go shopping in this great fashion city, and buy clothes with the money you receive after each TV show. Let me explain: as a contestant, for every show you will have a fashion theme. With the money you receive at the beginning of the show, you have to dress up exactly as the theme chosen by the jury. If you manage to do this, you will receive more money, and pass to the next round, where you will be given a different theme. So, all you have to do is take the money, take a good look at the dressing theme, dress up and finally show your work to the jury. It's worth trying, you'll have fun!
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